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BRAVIS Mobile Phone Manuals PDF

BRAVIS F242 user manual
BRAVIS F242 user manual
BRAVIS F242 user manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.3 MB
BRAVIS F180 user manual
BRAVIS F180 user manual
BRAVIS F180 user manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.2 MB

Bravis SOLID
Bravis A506 Crystal DS

Bravis Brand History

Some BRAVIS Mobile Phone Manuals PDF above the page.


BRAVIS is a brand that produces audio, video, digital equipment, as well as accessories for it. And all these products have one nice feature: it has an affordable price.


Since BRAVIS specializes in these categories, it actively follows the world's trends. The company produces modern multifunctional devices. Let us emphasize at the same time that each device of this kind does not differ in quality from many similar devices of world famous manufacturers.


However, the buyer of devices under this brand receives savings. This can be explained by the fact that the cost of the marketing component is very low. The company always prefers to make the cost of goods 20% lower than to allocate the same funds to conduct an advertising campaign. The management of the company is convinced that the buyer must pay for the goods, and not for the fact that it is promoted in the market.


The BRAVIS brand itself assumes that the technique must have not only the necessary functionality, but an attractive design. And also affordable cost!


Enterprises, which produce BRAVIS equipment, are located in China. They are considered to be the most high-tech production of this country and stand in line with those with such world brands as Huawei (Service Manuals page), Lenovo (Manuals page), ZTE (PDF Service Manuals page).


The products here are produced and certified in accordance with the world standards of quality and safety. The consumer, buying a product under this brand, knows that he has a warranty and post-warranty service. To all, there is an extensive network of service centers.

All BRAVIS products are certified according to leading international standards. There are over 60 service centers. Service centers are equipped with everything you need. Both equipment and modern materials. Each work is provided with a guarantee.


Enterprises for manufacturing products of the trade mark BRAVIS are selected on a competitive basis. In such cases, the expert team carefully inspects. They do a check of production capacities, study how qualified the specialists are and the quality of the work on similar projects.


Experts also negotiate with many contractors. As a result, they choose those partners whose production absolutely meets the necessary requirements. Production control is provided at all stages of production of BRAVIS equipment. And then the inspection is already conducted. Its goal is to establish the quality of the batch of products.